Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hello Scotland . . .

Hello Scotland . . . crap, I have a lot to do before I'm ready for you

Pretty cool.  "Hello Scotland" was how I ended my 2010 European Travel blog and despite all that can happen (and did!) in two years, we've stuck to the plan and in less than three weeks we will be on our way to lovely Caledonia . . .

Sat down today to make a list of things to do to prepare for the trip and was taken aback by the number of items to be done.  Here it is thus far.

1) Find passport (Done and, bonus, it hasn't expired.  Score.)
2) Set up blog (Done)
3) Test out netbook; hope it still works (Done and it does!)
4) Getting to and from the airport (Done - due to the obscene hour of our departure flight, 5:30 am, we've decided to pay the parking so we can be in a little more control of these legs of the journey rather than trust the shuttle to show up on time or drag friends from their warm, comfy beds.   Friends, you're welcome :-))
5) Dry run on packing
6) Identify things needed
7) Purchase things needed
8) Check on Scotland weather (Done - Looks reasonable, I think.  How does one convert Celsius to Fahrenheit?)
9) Develop a spreadsheet of optional activities in Edinburgh, Oban, Isle of Skye, Fort William
10) Determine if ferry tickets need to be purchased in advance for travel from Oban to Mull and Iona
11) Watch first episode of the first season of Downton Abbey - (Done.)
12) Figure out how to transport lots of single malt scotch back to the states.

Plan to check off most of the other items this Labor Day weekend . . . while Rick is getting his fix of college football :-)


  1. 1) Passport – need to find a blank page for mine…
    2) Blog – nice work!
    3) Netbook – fyi that finding wireless may be harder than last time. More likely that the rural B&Bs have livestock than wireless…
    4) Transportation – need better friends. Really…
    5) Dry run on packing – Done.
    6) Identify things needed – Done.
    7) Purchase things needed – have plane tickets and cellphone. Everything else can be acquired locally.
    8) Scotland weather – just like Portland weather. Easy. °C to °F… convert using the little dropdown box at the top of the browser window that lets you choose your units. ;-) Otherwise, multiply by 1.8 and add 32.
    9) Develop a spreadsheet of optional activities in Edinburgh, Oban, Isle of Skye, Fort William – color-coded, prioritized and cross-referenced by weather forecasts, please.
    10) Determine if ferry tickets need to be purchased in advance for travel from Oban to Mull and Iona – be forewarned, the ferry boats to the islands are not your typical ferries. Think Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. Really.
    11) Watch first episode of the first season of Downton Abbey – I missed it!?!
    12) Figure out how to transport lots of single malt scotch back to the states. I vote for stashing in our livers.

    Plan to check off most of the other items this Labor Day weekend . . . while Rick is getting his fix of college football :-) – Indeed!

    A little Amy McDonald to get things primed:

    ♫Oh, but let me tell you that I love you
    That I think about you all the time
    Caledonia you're calling me
    And now I'm going home♫

    1. :) Thanks for the Amy McDonald lyrics. Looking forward to hearing this kind of music in a true pub or "snug".
